Friday, February 22, 2019

JavaScript devs make use of machine learning with TensorFlow.js

Application Development Digest
A roundup of application development content from TechTarget's network | February 22, 2019
Google brings machine learning to JavaScript with TensorFlow.js

By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer

Google has delivered a version of its TensorFlow machine learning library to support JavaScript developers -- a technology that in the past required familiarity with Python programming.


Container security vendors pitch service mesh integrations

Container security tools from vendors such as NeuVector provide defense through policy-based security management and integration with CI/CD tools, which shores up built-in security features.


Google lines up hybrid cloud platform for app modernization

Google Cloud Services Platform for hybrid computing, now in beta, emphasizes capabilities for application modernization, and could help Google differentiate from Azure and AWS.


GitHub security bug bounty program stretches to enterprise cloud

GitHub's security bug bounty program expanded its scope to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and all other first-party services, and increased the payout for finding bugs.


Linkerd vs. Istio fray dominates service mesh battle

Linkerd's maintainers admit it has a narrower range of features than buzz machine Istio. But after failed attempts to set up Istio, some early adopters believe less is more.


Use Lambda to tackle microservices access error issues

Amazon API Gateway enables you to create customized microservices access control, but that can complicate error message returns. Here's how shared Lambda functions can help.


Convert JPEG to SVG to improve webpage performance

Vector images open the door for multiple benefits on HTML webpages. Consider SVGs instead of raster images to boost HTML speed and improve overall image clarity.


CI/CD tool showdown pits adoptability vs. adaptability

A great CI/CD tool can be easy to adopt or easy to adapt -- but, typically, it can't be both. Tom Nolle reviews Drone and Concourse, two tools that epitomize this dichotomy.


6 ways to catch defects in software, tighten feedback loops

Bugs are inevitable, but quality improves when you find them sooner rather than later. Follow these six methods to circumvent lengthy and expensive feedback loops.


A beginner's guide to cloud-native application development

Cloud-native applications have become ubiquitous in IT environments. Learn what it takes to create cloud-native apps and which development tools are available.


Jenkins creator explains why a successful build job is blue -- not green

Instead of the often-recognized red, yellow and green layout for success and failure, Jenkins replaced green with blue. If you've ever wondered why, here is your answer.


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