Thursday, May 2, 2019

Igloo Insider: Your Quarterly Update on Digital Transformation

Spring Edition
Igloo Insider
State of the Digital Workplace
For the second year, Igloo set out to determine the state of the digital workplace in companies large and small, across all industries. In this report, we outline opportunities for business leaders to improve communication, collaboration, and information sharing — recommendations that directly reflect the pain points the modern workforce is still experiencing.
1. Andrew Nusca explores the popular corporate refrain, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast."

2. Jon Williams argues that while the future of work continues to get plenty of media coverage, there are factors beyond machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotic process automation to consider.

3. Jim Ludema and Amber Johnson look to architecture to teach us about corporate culture and share 3 ways to find out if your culture is working.

4. Poornima Apte notes that empowering employees breeds much more than positive sentiment including higher productivity and lower turnover.

5. Soumik Roy looks to HSBC Bank and Boeing as examples of companies partnering with employees to leverage technology for smarter and more intelligent business outcomes.
Digital Transformation in HR: Six Practical Actions
Digital Transformation in HR: Six Practical Actions

Learn six practical ideas for how an intranet can help address some of the top challenges HR departments face.

5 Quick Projects to Boost Intranet Engagement
5 Quick Projects to Boost Intranet Engagement

Sam Marshall shares practical ideas you can start working on, without waiting for extra budget or sponsor approval.

You've got the lead. Now what? 

A lot of time, money, and effort is put into generating the lead, but what happens next is perhaps even more important. How you use content to educate and enable the sales team, along with how you use content to nurture and progress the deal is the difference between barely scraping by on the quarter and absolutely crushing it.

Get it right and you're hailed as heroes, but get it wrong, and the finger pointing begins. Uncover the strategies, process, and a framework for empowering marketing, sales, and customer success teams with the content, knowledge, and expertise needed to keep deals moving forward. 

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