Thursday, April 23, 2020

Cohesity Helios gets a mobile app for on-the-go alerts, AWS bears against COVID-19

Modern Infrastructure Digest

News and advice for creating tomorrow's data center | April 23, 2020

Virtual software development and testing conferences to attend

By David Carty, Site Editor

Yes, you're stuck at home, but developers and testers can actually learn more for less money than in the past. Connect with dev and test experts at these virtual conferences.
Cohesity Helios gets a mobile app for on-the-go alerts

Cohesity launched a free mobile app version of Cohesity Helios. It delivers key features such as monitoring and ransomware alerts to users who are away from a workstation.

AWS brings cloud data lake services to bear against COVID-19

AWS has set up a large cloud data lake filled with information and resources on COVID-19 in an effort to help medical researchers fight the global pandemic.

Kubernetes vs. VMware: Drive the choice with IT architecture

It isn't easy to classify Kubernetes as the superior product for managing VMs and containers compared to vSphere 7. The decision depends on how widely admins use containers.

Remote business continuity techniques to implement now
Managing business continuity and disaster recovery without employees on site can be a challenge for an organization that doesn't typically function remotely.
VMware Horizon 7 requirements, features and troubleshooting

If you're considering VMware Horizon for your remote desktop needs, review its deployment requirements, current features and common issues you might face first.

Avoid common pain points when migrating to Exchange Online
Every Exchange Server configuration is unique, which makes a move to hosted email in Office 365 a complex undertaking, but some stumbling blocks are more frequent than others.
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