Tuesday, October 24, 2017

FW: Your DevOps weekend reading materials


Add this article to your DevOps reading list I shared last week. It was just published yesterday and has already received a ton of great feedback from your peers!

In "It's easier to build skills for DevOps than find them", our team of independent experts explain why finding the right tools and culture aren't the only steps on the journey to DevOps success. Learn how a shortage of IT workers with DevOps skills is impacting your peers' initiatives, and the easy steps to take to overcome this challenge at David.


Sarah Nagle
Marketing Manager
TechTarget Data Center and Virtualization Media Group

-----Original Message-----
From: Nagle, Sarah
Sent: Thu October 19, 2017 1:30 PM
Subject: Your DevOps weekend reading materials

Hey David,

Have you had a long work week and are just counting down the seconds to the weekend? Well if you need a break, while still doing some light reading on designing and running apps created using DevOps, I have something for you to help pass the time. I've taken the liberty of compiling some of our best DevOps-focused news and tips for you below.


Don't miss out on these exclusive, expert articles, all of which are designed to help IT professionals keep up with quickly evolving DevOps trends:


Best regards,

Sarah Nagle
Marketing Manager
TechTarget Data Center and Virtualization Media Group

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