Thursday, January 31, 2019

Hedvig - $200 for 15 Minutes

Hey David,

My name's John, and I work with Hedvig. You've been getting some of our marketing material over the last few months, and I wanted to follow up with you. We specialize in private, hybrid and multi cloud data management systems for both virtual and container environments for companies around the world.

We would like to give you $200 to get your feedback on your storage environment - just a 15 minute discussion at a time convenient for you. You tell us about your storage environment, we'll tell you how we can improve it, and you'll get $200. If you can't take the gift, we'll be happy to donate it to your favorite charity in your name!

When do you have 15 minutes free to connect in the next couple weeks?

Thanks again,

John Pannebaker 
Account Executive
Hedvig, Inc.

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