Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Linux tool eases K8s networking; Security automation pays off

DevOps Digest
A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget's network | May 26, 2020
Linux kernel utility could solve Kubernetes networking woes
by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer

Linux kernel utility eBPF gets new life as a more effective means to scale Kubernetes networking than native Kubernetes tools, and in some cases, service mesh.

Fintech firms prove IT compliance via security automation

Security automation tools proved useful for two highly regulated fintech firms that use them to protect cloud-native infrastructure and demonstrate their security to auditors.

Kite intros code completion for JavaScript developers
Kite's AI-powered code completion technology makes Python and JavaScript developers more productive with deep learning models that predict the next logical line of code.

IT pros clamor for Kubernetes multi-cloud deployment API

Enterprise IT pros who want a standard approach to Kubernetes multi-cloud deployment say the Cluster API project shows promise, but it needs work to be production-ready.

Essential firms forge on with AIOps for incident response
AIOps systems for incident response have helped a bank and a provider of care services in the home streamline operations amid a pandemic emergency and an ongoing IT skills shortage.
Container auditing best practices for large-scale deployments

Container auditing and reporting are essential security and compliance measures in a production environment. Apply these practices to uncover abnormalities, control user access and choose the right tool.

How -- and why -- to add SolarWinds modules

SolarWinds is known for its capabilities in network monitoring, but flexible modules give IT operations staff the ability to monitor systems far and wide.

Forget monitoring alerts, turn to IT root cause analysis
Alerts get your attention, but they don't always tell you where the core of a problem is to be found. Maybe it's time to shift your IT management strategy.
Optimize Kubernetes cluster management with these 5 tips

Effective Kubernetes cluster management requires operations teams to balance pod and node deployments with performance and availability needs.

Compare a product vs. project mindset for software development
The rise of Agile and DevOps highlight the differences between project and product in software development. Establish these roles and principles to deliver business value.
3 options to use Kubernetes and containers for edge computing
While every deployment is unique, these general guidelines can help IT teams determine whether -- and how -- to incorporate Kubernetes and containers into an edge computing strategy.
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