Friday, May 29, 2020

Red Hat targets Spring Boot users with Quarkus

Application Development Digest


A roundup of application development content from TechTarget's network|May 29, 2020

Quarkus goes GA, gains Red Hat Runtimes support

By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer

With Quarkus, Red Hat targets the popular Spring Boot framework to help developers use Java as a first-class language to build microservices and container-based applications.

Linux kernel utility could solve Kubernetes networking woes

Linux kernel utility eBPF gets new life as a more effective means to scale Kubernetes networking than native Kubernetes tools, and in some cases, service mesh.

DockerCon 2020 showcases tighter alliance with Microsoft
Docker has introduced an integration with Azure Container Instances that developers can use to run Docker commands in ACI and switch from desktop development to the cloud.
Cloud use spikes amid COVID-19 but IaaS costs remain stable

Enterprises must take extra precautions as they invest in cloud-based infrastructure and software during the COVID-19 pandemic, analysts say.

IBM layoffs target services, marketing employees

IBM layoffs under newly appointed CEO Arvind Krishna largely affect its Global Technology Services and marketing groups.

How declarative DevOps enables self-service, flexible delivery

DevOps teams can achieve automated delivery via a lot of custom code, or they can implement declarative tools and templates. Declarative DevOps has many advantages to offer.

GraphQL vs. REST choice steers microservices development

GraphQL vs. REST: That is the question as teams tackle microservices architecture design, and at Pantheon, the choice came with both business boons and technical debt.

Git reflog vs. log: How these commit history tools differ
How do Git log and reflog differ? Learn how the two commit history commands provide distinct results for developers.

TDD vs. BDD vs. ATDD and other Agile development techniques

Agile development doesn't always start with, well, development. Put tests before coding in TDD, BDD and other Agile techniques to minimize waste and focus on the user.


At some point, all developers must decide whether to refactor code or rewrite it. Base this choice on factors such as architectural soundness, time, money and goals.

Follow this step-by-step Bamboo CI/CD tutorial

Learn how to set up a CI/CD pipeline in Bamboo with this video. Customize it with triggers, learn how to control branches and more.

How to properly perform Java String comparisons

Don't let incorrect Java String object comparisons bog down your code. Follow this tutorial to understand the differences between =, == and .equals.

HashMap vs. Hashtable: Which map should you choose?
When HashMap replaced Hashtable as part of the Java 1.2 release, it moved away from how developers previously used the collections API and Java maps.
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