Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Citrix and Microsoft's partnership spotlights cloud integrations

End-User Computing Digest
The latest desktop and mobile coverage from TechTarget's network |July 22, 2020

Citrix-Microsoft partnership aimed at Azure, Office

by Mike Gleason, News Reporter

Experts expect a new Citrix-Microsoft partnership to result in an easier path to the cloud and greater integration between Workspace and Office. Both moves could help companies deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Citrix vulnerabilities affect ADC, Gateway, SD-WAN

Citrix vulnerabilities, announced this week, affects the firm's ADC, Gateway and SD-WAN products. The company said recent patches resolve the issue.

Home network setups pose remote work challenge
Enabling employees to work from home was the easy part for William Fry, thanks to Citrix Workspace. The bigger remote work challenge was triaging employees' home network setups, some of which were not equipped to handle the bandwidth demands.
Macs to run on Apple silicon, leaving Intel behind
Apple announced this week that it would be transitioning its Mac product line from Intel processors to Apple silicon chips. Experts said compatibility might be an early headache, but the move could open new possibilities for Apple products.
COVID-19 recession looms for PC market

Analysts predict that, despite a strong second quarter, the PC market will fade in a COVID-19-spurred recession. Firms will likely tighten their belts after remote-work spending.

Microsoft Authenticator for Android update adds options
The June update of Microsoft Authenticator for Android should help enterprise users manage their passwords more easily. Industry observers said user authentication must evolve to ensure security.
Google Meet features counter Zoombombing, streamline mobile
Google wants its video meeting platform to compete with Zoom, Cisco and Microsoft. The latest Google Meet features announced this week are unlikely to be enough.
What IT can do when Microsoft 365 is not working

When organizations migrate to Microsoft 365, they should learn about common issues with the offering. These issues include confusion with the email relay, OneDrive file policies and unnecessary email restrictions.

Ensure remote users meet data protection standards
While users prepare for long-term remote work, IT pros must emphasize third-party app management and remote data protection to ensure users haven't adopted consumer-grade applications.
How to fix 8 common remote desktop connection problems
Connectivity between a desktop and host can be faulty. IT administrators can take control of remote desktop connection problems with these troubleshooting tips.

How does mobile hotspot tethering affect enterprise security?

Mobile hotspot tethering is an easy way for users to access the internet with their provided devices when they're outside the office or on the road, but it presents some security challenges for IT.
Settle the thin client vs. PC debate for VDI endpoints
Organizations that are in the market for new virtual desktop endpoints must weigh the benefits of thin clients vs. PCs. Each endpoint has different strengths and weaknesses that IT pros should learn.
Understanding persistent vs. nonpersistent VDI
This feature compares persistent vs. nonpersistent VDI -- two ways to deploy virtual desktops that come with very different storage requirements, security risks and customizability.
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