LARP (Live Action Role Playing), also called LARPing, is a character-driven type of gameplay that is conducted in the physical world. LARP combines elements of improvisational acting, pervasive gaming, cosplay (costume play) and role-playing games. LARP often brings more physical exercise and social interaction than conventional and electronic gaming, including augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) gaming. LARPers often use specific locations, costumes and props to add immersive elements to gameplay mechanics. The focus of LARP is often on conflict and conflict resolution. Common themes include combat historical re-enactments and simulations with rules similar to combat sports. The gameplay mechanics in LARP vary and can be similar to those used in traditional role-playing games. Players may use multi-sided dice to determine chance-based events, for example. For storylines, there may be a single "dungeon master" who creates the story, or the group may consensually decide the outcome of individual player actions. |
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