Tuesday, June 4, 2019

In this week’s issue: GDPR one year on – is it working?


Journey to GDPR: Are we nearly there yet?
A year since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, the severe punitive action expected by many has not been forthcoming and personal data breaches continue to happen. We report on progress so far.


Microsoft’s modern desktop management
Innovative access to niche healthcare services aims to ease patients’ fears about the use of technology over humans.

How Open University was educated to move from bespoke IT to vanilla SAP
It is hard convincing users that their business processes are a dud – but that is what Chris Youles, chief information officer at the Open University, needed to do to transform the organisation.

Digital transformation is powerful tonic for patient care at Liverpool NHS trusts
Being CIO for two different NHS trusts is not an easy task. David Walliker explains how he splits his time between the two organisations, aiming to deliver digital transformation across the board.

XaaS model reshapes the future of outsourcing
We investigate whether traditional outsourcing and the as-a-service model can co-exist.

Bryan Glick, Editor in Chief
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