Friday, March 18, 2022

Figure out the what, why and how of SASE

Figure out the what, why and how of SASE
AT&T Cybersecurity

— E-BOOK —

 Edging Towards SASE: Next generation networking, cloud and security
This eBook provides a comprehensive introduction to SASE (pronounced sassy), which stands for Secure Access Service Edge. The term, coined by leading analyst firm Gartner in 2019, describes architecture that combines wide area network (WAN) technology with comprehensive security functions.

People – your people – are sitting outside of the corporate network using the internet to access resources in the cloud. This creates a challenge: how to optimize their experience and keep them and the data they use safe. This is where SASE comes in.

Simply put, SASE brings SD-WAN and security together in a cloud-based service. And because it's in the cloud, it can be scaled up or down to meet the needs of the business, especially when things have to change fast. In this eBook we set out the what, why and how of SASE to give you the information you need to determine not the if but the when.
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