Friday, October 26, 2018

GitHub unveils event-based tool for development automation

Application Development Digest
A roundup of application development content from TechTarget's network | October 26, 2018
For developers, GitHub Actions takes automation a step forward

By Darryl K. Taft, News writer

The GitHub Actions tool further automates the software development process, with its event-based architecture that automatically moves code through each step of developers' workflows.



Spinnaker pipelines tighten bond with Kubernetes

The Netflix- and Google-led continuous deployment project added integration with Kubernetes container orchestration, which should boost its enterprise appeal.


Jira update flexes cloud collaboration features
Atlassian updated the cloud edition of its issue tracking tool, Jira, with collaborative UI improvements on the front end and AWS-based microservices on the back end.
IBM eyes services bid with Multicloud Manager
IBM's Multicloud Manager lets users build and deploy applications that can run on premises, on the IBM Cloud or on other vendors' public cloud platforms.
Third-party tools shore up Prometheus monitoring
Upstream Prometheus monitoring isn't ready for prime time in enterprise environments, but it gets by with help from friends like Sysdig, Red Hat and Rancher Labs.
Four reasons why Gradle might be the right Java build tool

When it comes to building Java projects, developers need to pick the right tool for the job. Gradle is worthy of consideration with its emphasis on flexibility.


Tricks to help manage load balancing in microservices

Load balancing is a critical, and potentially thorny, part of cloud-native microservices management. Consider these methods and tools that can help address challenges.


Pick up stateless software precepts for modern app design

Change and state are complex interrelated notions that shape how an application performs its tasks. Learn the meaning of state, mutability and change in app design.


Choose between serverless and containerized microservices

Take stock of your team's development needs -- such as portability, service duration and development pace -- to navigate the serverless vs. container debate.


Don't dwell on the nuances of low-code vs. no-code platforms

As lines between low-code and no-code blur, especially as more business users acquire programming skills, enterprises need only focus on their particular goals.


Five basic SOA principles that still apply to microservices

Microservices represent a shift in application development and management practices, but the architecture style still shares the same fundamental goals as the older SOA.


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