Tuesday, December 17, 2019

AWS adds data querying capabilities, S3 safeguards

Cloud Computing Digest
A roundup of cloud infrastructure content from TechTarget's network |December 17, 2019
Amazon Kendra AI search tool indexes enterprise data
by Mark Labbe, News Writer 

With Amazon Kendra, a cognitive search tool currently in preview, enterprise users can more easily query their data. The tool uses machine learning and NLP to understand context, according to AWS.

AWS IAM Access Analyzer aims to limit S3 exposures

IT teams can use the IAM Access Analyzer to avoid accidental exposure of data stored in S3 buckets. At least one industry expert sees the tool as a positive step, though it might not see widespread adoption.

AWS expands cloud database and data analytics

AWS adds to its Redshift data warehouse capabilities, including managed storage and query acceleration, alongside a new managed Cassandra database service.

Prepare for an AWS outage with these preventative steps

Set up the proper data protection and recovery measures before a cloud outage hits. Follow these backup and disaster recovery tips to keep workloads running during and after an outage.

Understand the pros and cons of a niche cloud provider

Consider your enterprise's specific needs when choosing between niche and hyperscale clouds. In part one of a niche vs. hyperscale cloud series, review what you need to know about both options.

The future of the Kubernetes ecosystem isn't all about cloud

Developers still lean on the public cloud to simplify Kubernetes deployments, but that won't always be the case. See how lingering complexity issues have opened the door for on-premises vendors.

Reduce AWS operational issues with OpsCenter
Centralize operations on AWS with Systems Manager OpsCenter. Learn how to create OpsItems, connect them to AWS resources and solve operations issues in your AWS environment.
Get started with Azure tags

The more Azure resources an organization consumes, the harder it becomes to track those resources. Proper tagging can help manage and automate workloads, as well as control costs.

Review these use cases to help pick the right kind of cloud
Can't decide between a niche cloud provider or a hyperscale vendor? In part two of this niche vs. hyperscale cloud series, review some real-world examples to help weigh the options and find the best fit for your workloads.
Overcome these VMware Cloud on AWS migration challenges

Plan ahead for a VMware-to-AWS cloud migration with this breakdown of common challenges organizations face during the move to VMware Cloud on AWS, and how to avoid them.

How AWS VPC Traffic Mirroring works
Solve cloud network traffic issues with VPC Traffic Mirroring. Breakdown how traffic mirroring works and how it can boost monitoring and security practices in your AWS environment.
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