Monday, March 30, 2020

Nomad takes on Kubernetes; COVID-19 affects IT contracts

DevOps Digest
A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget's network | March 30, 2020
HashiCorp Nomad vs. Kubernetes matchup intensifies with 0.11
by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer

HashiCorp Nomad may not overtake Kubernetes but could capture broader enterprise attention with container-like orchestration features for legacy apps in VMs.

Set IT vendor selection criteria to evolve with the times

As enterprises' IT tool sets expand to include more specialized providers for cloud and DevOps deployments, they face new vendor management challenges.


Coronavirus pandemic ups the IT contract negotiation game

IT contract negotiation has always been a difficult dance between customers and vendors, but the coronavirus pandemic means there are new rules to navigate on both sides.

Walk through 5 common PowerShell uses for IT ops teams

PowerShell use cases have expanded past Microsoft's original design -- but IT automation is still at the tool's core, whether it's to support an AIOps strategy or monitor server performance.

Kubectl commands and best practices for new Kubernetes users

Kubectl is a simple and powerful means to control containers in Kubernetes. But as with any CLI, it demands familiarity with available operations, resource types and associated syntax.

Follow this Ansible Vault example for encryption best practices
Ansible Vault, a feature within the Ansible automation tool, can help IT teams manage sensitive data, also known as secrets.
5 key ways to fulfill the role of QA in DevOps
DevOps teams want production-ready code, which means someone in this fast-moving pipeline needs to think like a user. Enter QA, with its toolkit of exploratory tests, design review and more.
Target tangible IT goals during a DevOps culture shift

Fail fast, pivot and keep going: There's no better way to develop a DevOps culture than by living it. But be sure to set concrete goals along the way.

Developer vs. DevOps roles: What's the difference?

While developers focus on a single programming language and platform, DevOps engineers have more on their plate, such as code-related tasks, monitoring and automation.

Automate security testing and scans for DevSecOps success

Attackers are knocking at your door. Don't waste time with repetitive, automatable security tasks. Here's how DevSecOps enables code analysis, security testing and more.

4 DevOps communication principles to get teams talking
One of DevOps' supposed benefits is better collaboration and communication, but it doesn't come out of nowhere. Address these communication challenges to get everyone on the same page.
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