Friday, September 25, 2020

Word of the Day & Pop Quiz: cloud security

Word of the Day & Pop Quiz
Daily updates on the latest technology terms | September 25, 2020

cloud security

Cloud security is the set of control-based technologies and policies designed to adhere to regulatory compliance rules and protect information, data applications and infrastructure associated with cloud computing use.


Because of the cloud's very nature as a shared resource, identity management, privacy and access control are of particular concern. Misconfiguration and account hijacking are currently the most pressing types of threats to public cloud environments.


With more organizations using cloud computing and associated cloud providers for data operations, security in potentially vulnerable areas have become a priority for organizations who contract with a public cloud provider. Legally, security responsibilities are likely to vary depending on the type of cloud service that is being purchased and the identity of the cloud provider. Continue reading...

Take the Quiz!

The answer choices are listed below.


1. What is a shared responsibility model?
a. a framework that dictates the security obligations of both a cloud provider and its customers.
b. a tool for focusing discussion about cloud security and creating a roadmap for next steps.

2. A cloud provider API allows the end user to interact with a cloud provider's service. What does API stand for?

3. The allocation of a cloud provider's resources and services to a specific cloud customer is called _______________.

a. granting

b. provisioning



4. What do you call the amount of time that a cloud provider's systems and services are up and accessible by end users?

a. upcycling

a. uptime

5. A cloud access security broker (CASB) is a ___________ that allows an organization to extend the reach of its internal security policies.
a. gatekeeper
b. portal

Today's Takeaway


"Many cloud security issues arise from a lack of oversight into what controls are in place, how they're configured and what changes are made in cloud environments." -- Dave Shackleford

Eye on Tech Videos


What is SIEM?

SIEM brings the power of two security systems in one. Watch to learn more about what SIEM is and how it can be useful.

Continue Learning

When -- and when not -- to use cloud native security tools
Security tools from cloud vendors are convenient, but that doesn't mean they are always the right choice. Learn how to decide when you should opt to use third-party security tools.

Prevent cloud account hijacking with 3 key strategies
The ability to identify the various methods of cloud account hijacking is key to prevention. Explore three ways to limit potential consequences of cloud credential compromise.

Cybersecurity team structure stronger with 3 new roles
Having the right cybersecurity team in place can help reduce how long it takes to control threats. Consider adding cloud security, third-party risk and digital ethics specialists.

Cyber attacks on schools increasing amid remote learning shift
The pandemic forced schools to make a quick transition to remote learning with little resources and weak security postures, and threat actors have increased their attacks.

Cybersecurity for SMB customers evolving into top priority
New research from ConnectWise affirms that MSPs have a fast-growing opportunity to provide cybersecurity for SMB customers. Find out what is fueling the demand.

Pop Quiz Answer Key


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