Monday, September 21, 2020

Word of the Day & Pop Quiz: configuration management

Word of the Day
Daily updates on the latest technology terms | September 21, 2020

configuration management

Configuration management is the detailed recording and updating of information that describes an enterprise's computer systems and networks. The goal of configuration management is to maintain information technology (IT) systems in a desired, consistent state.

Administrators can identify and track individual configuration items (CIs) by documenting both functional capabilities and interdependencies. Because configuration issues are one of the major causes of outages, it's important for organizations to have the right tools and follow best practices.

For a configuration management system to operate, it needs something in which to store the information it governs. Originally, this mechanism was called the configuration management database (CMDB).

In 2007, ITIL V3 introduced the concept of a configuration management system (CMS) to replace the CMDB. Today, ITIL version 4 refers to configuration management simply as "service configuration." Continue reading...

Take today's Pop Quiz!

                                                          Answers are below


1. What do you call the technique or methodology that, through experience and research, has proven to reliably lead to a desired result?



2. ITIL is a framework designed to standardize the selection, planning, delivery and maintenance of IT services within a business. What does ITIL stand for?

a. Information Technology Iterative Listserve

b. Information Technology Infrastructure Library



3. Desired State Configuration is a feature in ___________ that helps administrators automate the configuration of Windows and Linux operating systems.

a. PowerShell




4. What open source tool allows administrators to encode the configuration of a service as a policy?

a. Puppet

b. Open Vault



5. What configuration management tool uses code packages called recipes to define how each managed node should be configured?


Today's Takeaway


"Configuration management software may no longer be cutting-edge, but enterprises won't complete their shift to newer IT automation approaches overnight. Chef likely has at least a decade before its historic niche is fully eclipsed by new IT automation approaches."
Charles Betz

Watch and Learn



5 Essential DevOps Pipeline Stages

There's no shortage of best practices to aid a DevOps journey, but there are some essential stages that most DevOps pipelines go through. Watch this short video to learn more about the steps in a DevOps pipeline.

Continue Learning


How change management and configuration management differ in IT
When examining change management vs. configuration management, it's easy to confuse them. The examples below illustrate how they intertwine, but still address different areas.

Kick-start an IT configuration management process in 4 key steps
Configuration management tools go a long way in effective IT system maintenance. However, admins still need to take certain steps of their own to ensure desired outcomes.

Why configuration management is important for networks
Configuration management is essential to keep accurate network configuration records and to help organizations avoid potential challenges or problems within their networks.

What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work?
With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it's the right choice for your organization.

Enable automated failover with a highly available CMDB
A resilient CMDB helps drive automated failover processes. Explore several approaches to prepare your configuration management database for DR scenarios.

What are the main features of Ansible vs. Ansible Tower?
Both Ansible and Ansible Tower offer enterprises a wealth of resources for config management, but they aren't equals. Assess their differences in crucial aspects such as security.

Pop Quiz Answer Key


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