Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Word of the Day & Pop Quiz: integrated risk management (IRM)

Word of the Day & Pop Quiz
Daily updates on the latest technology terms | September 23, 2020

integrated risk management

Integrated risk management (IRM) is a set of coordinated business practices and supporting software tools that contribute to an organization's ability to understand and manage risk holistically across all departments and third-party dependencies.


Traditional governance, risk and compliance (GRC) programs are often implemented in silos. The goal of IRM is to examine risk in the broad context of business goals and align the organization's risk appetite with its need to maintain a competitive advantage.


To be successful, an IRM initiative should be collaborative and involve both IT and business-side leaders. Broadly speaking, there are four key pillars required to support an integrated risk management (IRM) strategy. The organization must:

  • Align cybersecurity strategy with business strategy outcomes.
  • Build an engaged, risk-aware culture.
  • Include risk as criteria for making business decisions.
  • Proactively determine what metrics will be used for reporting and evaluating risk management success.

The term "integrated risk management" was first coined by Gartner in 2017 in response to a changing risk landscape brought about by digital transformation, globalization and use of public cloud services.

By 2021, Gartner projects that 50 percent of enterprise risk management strategies within large organizations will involve an IRM solution, and that the IRM software market will reach $8 billion annually (factoring in consulting and implementation costs). Continue reading...

Take the Quiz!

The answer choices are listed below.



1. ________________ is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an organization's capital and earnings.


2. What do you call a mandatory business practice that an organization follows to minimize risk?
a. internal control

b. compliance burden



3. What is a risk profile?

a. it's a quantitative analysis of the types of threats an organization faces.

b. It's the level of risk an organization is prepared to accept.


4. A CRO is a corporate executive tasked with assessing and mitigating competitive, regulatory and technological threats to an enterprise's capital and earnings. What does CRO stand for?
a. corporate regulatory official

b. chief risk officer



5. KRI is a metric for measuring the likelihood that the combined probability of an event (and its consequence) will have a profoundly negative impact on an organization's ability to be successful. What does KRI stand for?

Today's Takeaway


"Risk is the possible negative consequences of the uncertain future, while opportunity is the possible positive consequences of the uncertain future. " - Mark Schwartz

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Pop Quiz Answer Key


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