Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Assange extradition is a politically motivated ‘abuse of power’, court hears

ISSUE DATE: 25 February 2020

Assange extradition is a politically motivated ‘abuse of power’, court hears
US government's attempt to extradite Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to face Espionage charges in the US, is politically motivated and an abuse of process, court hears.

WikiLeaks founder Assange ‘put lives at risk’ by disclosing names in leaked documents, court hears
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accused of putting lives of US informants at risk by publishing unredacted documents, lawyers for the US argued at the first day of a week-long extradition hearing.

Police algorithms need national guidance ‘as a matter of urgency’
A study by the Royal United Services Institute makes a number of recommendations for how police algorithms can be kept in check.


Department for Education publishes tools to support learning at home
The Department for Education publishes apps featuring innovations such as artificial intelligence aimed at helping parents to use technology to create positive learning environments. 

Open security group unveils common OpenDXL language
Open Cybersecurity Alliance announces the availability of OpenDXL Ontology, the first open source language for connecting disparate security tools through a common messaging framework.

Coronavirus, global economic slowdown to cap 5G smartphone sales in 2020
First half of 2020 will likely be much weaker than expected for the 5G smartphone market, but a strong bounce-back is possible in second half of the year if the coronavirus spread is brought under control.

Qunifi inks Vonage partnership to integrate Microsoft Teams for enterprises
Vonage customers can now access the Microsoft Teams phone-calling feature using their business phone service.

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