Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Word of the Day & Pop Quiz: spaghetti code

Word of the Day & Pop Quiz WhatIs.com
Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 25, 2020

spaghetti code

Spaghetti code is a derogatory term for computer programming that is unnecessarily convoluted. It is part of the infamous Pasta Theory of Software, first proposed by software developer Raymond Ruby back in the 1990s. The term is still in use today.

Spaghetti code is often the result of changes to monolithic software programs over the years. The spaghetti analogy is meant to illustrate the tangled mess that can occur when changes are made to source code without understanding dependencies.

In keeping with his pasta analogy, Raymond Ruby proposed that the best kind of code should be called ravioli code. His vision for ravioli code was one where dependencies are packaged together so any component can be modified or replaced without significantly affecting other components. Continue reading...

Take today's Pop Quiz!

Answer key below


1. What was the traditional architecture for software design? Hint: The word actually means "unable to be changed."



2. ___________ is the fundamental component of a software program.

a. source code

b. syntax



3. What do developers call it when a software application is not able to access the additional programming it requires to work?

a. dependency hell

b. refutation



4. What do you call a clumsy (but hopefully temporary) workaround for a software problem?

a. kludge

b. elegant solution



5. What do you call an executable software package that includes application code and all its dependencies?

a. box

b. container


Today's Takeaway


"Spaghetti code often occurs as a result of short deadlines and a lack of planning. Carelessness isn't the only way to end up with hard-to-maintain code; over-complication can be a cause too." -- Zachary Flower

Watch and Learn



Source code: it's the brains behind the scenes. Source code is what makes it possible for all computer programs to -- well -- work. But what is it, and how does it work? Watch this video to find out.

Continue Learning

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Pop Quiz Answer Key


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Thank you for reading! For feedback about any of our definitions or to suggest a new definition (or learning resource) please contact me at mrouse@techtarget.com


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