Monday, September 21, 2020

Mirantis makes moves to end container war

DevOps Digest
A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget's network | September 21, 2020
Mirantis rethinks Docker Swarm vs. Kubernetes
by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer
Docker Enterprise users say plans to allow Docker Swarm to run on a Kubernetes back end could provide both ease of use for developers and granular infrastructure control for ops.
Mirantis rejuvenates Docker Enterprise cloud tools, support

Docker Enterprise Container Cloud keeps pace with recent trends in Kubernetes management, such as multicluster and multi-cloud support but faces stiff competition.


DevSecOps strategy mimics cloud shared responsibility model

Real-world DevSecOps centralizes IT security around the CI/CD pipeline but defines separate roles that each IT constituency plays in securing apps and infrastructure.

Identify and mitigate IT technical debt

"Debt" is a scary word even without "technical" before it. We can't help you with dollars and cents, but we can share what IT technical debt is and how to create a debt reduction plan.

Key DevOps roles and responsibilities for team success
More than most IT initiatives, DevOps is built around people. Involve the right professionals, and get those people primed to work in concerted ways.
Just what can AI in IT operations accomplish?
How should the 'AI' in 'AIOps' work? The idea is for it to identify and solve problems in ways similar to how the human mind would -- except faster and without prompting.
Top 5 executive soft skills CIOs need to lead today
To help navigate through a crisis like the pandemic, IT executives are drawing on their leadership and interpersonal skills as much as -- if not more than -- their technical ones.
5 DevSecOps best practices to prioritize

Successful DevSecOps isn't just about secure code -- it's securing the flows of data through code, methods and tools. Review these five security tips to button up your DevOps work.

How to approach IT logging in the cloud vs. on premises
IT organizations must monitor cloud infrastructure and apps with a process that's different than they're used to for on-premises environments. Learn how to do cloud logging here.
APM tools and metrics quiz
Sharpen your pencil; it's APM quiz time. Test your knowledge of application performance monitoring and management, including tools, systems, concepts and best practices.
A lesson on how to test microservices locally
Microservices are small pieces of a big picture, so they're difficult to test in isolation. Use these tips to run unit and integration tests locally on microservices.
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