Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Word of the Day: Amazon Personalize

Word of the Day WhatIs.com
Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 29, 2019
Amazon Personalize

Amazon Personalize is a low-code machine learning (ML) service that can generate custom recommendations through an application program interface (API) call for any application running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure.

Developers typically use Personalize to tailor product recommendations, content recommendations, search results and marketing promotions. Personalize is popular with developers who work on e-commerce sites because it allows development teams without technical ML experience to customize results for the apps they create.


The developer is responsible for providing training data, but Amazon is responsible for selecting the right algorithm, training and updating the AI model, and correlating the accuracy of the metrics. According to Amazon, this approach reduces the time it takes to build a machine learning model for recommendations from months to days. The service can use historical data stored in Amazon S3 as well as streaming data from apps to tailor results.


Pricing for Amazon Personalize is based on the size of training data, the amount of training time and the number of recommendations generated per hour.

Quote of the Day

"Amazon Personalize is the core recommendation engine that Amazon has been using to make suggestions on its website for decades, and in June, AWS made it generally available to the public." - Laurence Hart

Learning Center


Set up an AWS recommendation engine with Amazon Personalize
Amazon Personalize offers machine recommendation algorithms as a service, but it's not the only recommendation engine on the market with AI behind it.

Review latest investments to AWS' machine learning platform
Improved deep learning capabilities lead this machine learning roundup. Learn how AWS is targeting both machine-learning-savvy developers and data scientists.

5 tips to improve personalization with machine learning
Personalization engines use machine learning to optimize content for individual customers. Here are some tips on how your business can improve personalization.

Use data to create personalized content customers actually want
As customers demand authentic, personalized content, CX teams have turned to personalization engines. But without the right data, personalization engines cause more challenges.

Personalization technology can both help, hurt CX strategy
Technology makes it easier for organizations to personalize content for online prospects. But brands need to make sure they don't get too personal and push away potential buyers.

Quiz Yourself

Test your knowledge of customer experience management best practices
Take this short quiz to test your knowledge about customer experience management best practices.

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