Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Word of the Day: Microsoft Quantum Development Kit

Word of the Day
Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 30, 2019
Microsoft Quantum Development Kit

The Microsoft Quantum Development Kit is a set of programming tools for writing code that will run on a quantum computer. According to Microsoft, the software development kit (SDK) allows programmers to enter the new field of quantum computing development without requiring a strong background in quantum physics.

Unlike a classical binary computer, whose bits are either 0 or 1, a quantum computer's bits, which are called qubits, can be 0 and 1 at the same time. The ability to compute all possible permutations of a qubit simultaneously is what enables quantum computers to perform calculations much faster than classical computers. Until quantum processors become widely available, however, quantum programming typically executes on a host application that acts as a simulator.


Microsoft's Quantum Development Kit is open source and based on the Q# language. It includes the following:

  • Q# compiler.
  • Q# library.
  • Resource Estimator.
  • A host application (written in Python or a .NET language) that runs quantum operations written in Q#.
  • Integration with Visual Studio and other Microsoft programs.


To assist developers learn Q# programming, Microsoft has developed a series of self-paced tutorials called Quantum Katas. Each Kata is designed to teach the developer about a specific concept in quantum computing by having them complete a series of tasks.

Quote of the Day

"Potential uses for quantum computing in the enterprise include conducting statistical analysis, solving optimization processes, breaking ciphers and factoring large number sets." -
Jessica Lulka

Learning Center


3 ways to use quantum technology features in your enterprise
While quantum computers aren't available just yet, there are other properties to consider, such as quantum sensors and quantum copies, that are being utilized around the world today.

How NIST is preparing to defend against quantum attacks
The NSA has begun the transition from ECC to new algorithms to resist quantum attacks. Learn about the threat posed by quantum computing from expert Michael Cobb.

What is post-quantum cryptography and should we care?
Post-quantum cryptography has been a buzzword for a while now. What is it and how will it affect encryption security?

Post-quantum cryptography unlocks opportunity for partners
A DigiCert study highlights a role for channel partner in preparing customers for quantum computing security threats; other channel news from the week.

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