Friday, March 20, 2020

DevOps teams go remote because of coronavirus

Application Development Digest
A roundup of application development content from TechTarget's network|Mar. 20, 2020
Coronavirus forces switch to remote work for DevOps teams

By Beth Pariseau, 

The new coronavirus pandemic will force most DevOps teams to work remotely and may also interfere with work schedules. Experts share advice on how to weather the disruption.

GitHub for mobile brings dev platform to small screens

GitHub for mobile delivers a fully native iOS and Android development experience of the popular GitHub source code version control service for developers.

GitHub's NPM buy sparks Microsoft-related worries
GitHub's acquisition of NPM will bring two prominent open source players together under the Microsoft umbrella. But moves like this tend to cause concern for some observers.
Atlassian integrates Automation for Jira no-code tool

Atlassian has integrated no-code technology gained from last year’'s acquisition of Automation for Jira by Code Barrel into its Jira Cloud issue-tracking service.

VMware's Kubernetes-based container migration products

VMware has rolled out a basket of Kubernetes-based offerings to help users prepare for container migration as a way to modernize their apps and maintain investments in vSphere.

A concurrent programming faceoff: Erlang vs. Elixir

Do you want the strong data integrity of Erlang, or the flexibility of Elixir? We explore the pros and cons of each in this head-to-head programming language matchup.

What's the purpose of a Gantt chart for large-scale projects?

A Gantt chart's selling point is that it's simple to understand at a glance. But a large-scale project, such as a DevOps transformation, quickly turns that advantage into a flaw.

Can a left shift in Java cause DevOps developer burnout?

DevOps burnout is more common than you think. Pay attention to the details in your shift left to make sure your dev and management teams are working toward the same goals.

What is the difference between SIT and UAT?

User acceptance testing and system integration testing differ in one key way: the person who does the testing. Learn when and where to perform each kind of QA assessment.


The State of the Software Supply Chain report highlights some developer team best practices to help increase productivity with Agile software development.

Container image size makes a difference

IT teams ready to embark on container deployment should look closely at how developers break down and package application components. Little details will be important.

The right (and wrong) way to think about code refactoring

Code refactoring keeps code clean, sharp and efficient -- ideally without changing any of its functionality. Learn how to refactor code without interrupting your deployment pipeline.

Tomcat vs. Apache HTTP Server: What's the difference?
We walk-through how Apache and Tomcat differ, and the role each server plays in the development process. Be aware of the misleading assumptions you might hear.
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