Thursday, January 23, 2020

2019 data breach disclosures: 10 more of the biggest

Modern Infrastructure Digest

ews and advice for creating tomorrow's data center | January 23, 2020

2019 data breach disclosures: 10 more of the biggest

By Alexander Culafi, News Writer

Here is a list of 10 of the largest data breaches (mostly) from the second half of 2019, including DoorDash, T-Mobile, Capital One and more.
Nakivo update supports tape, physical servers

Nakivo now supports tape and physical servers, a departure from its initial focus on cloud and VMs. Demand and expert opinion suggest there will always be need for physical backup.

Catalogic launches KubeDR to protect etcd data

Catalogic's new KubeDR tool protects cluster configurations, metadata and certificates, which is data often overlooked by Kubernetes protection tools.

Use multiple Dockerfiles for complex application configuration

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The importance of vCloud Connector server, interface and nodes

The three crucial components of vCC are the interface, the server and the nodes. The interface enables admins to modify the environment, while the server acts as the go-between.

Business continuity services, DR planning key to recovery success
Although all-in-one options for business continuity and disaster recovery planning are lacking, organizations can create a system using the various services and tools examined here.
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