Sunday, January 26, 2020

Grilling the answers: How businesses need to show how AI decides

ISSUE DATE: 26 January 2020

Grilling the answers: How businesses need to show how AI decides

Openreach extends free fibre installation scheme for UK home developers

IR35 reforms: IBM applies blanket ban approach to PSCs

There's nothing much new in tech, but it's what we do with what we have that matters


Grilling the answers: How businesses need to show how AI decides
As artificial intelligence becomes more widespread, so the need to render it explainable increases. How can companies navigate the technical and ethical challenges?

Openreach extends free fibre installation scheme for UK home developers
UK broadband infrastructure provider drops the threshold for free eligibility to its fibre delivery scheme for new-build houses from 30 to 20 homes.

IR35 reforms: IBM applies blanket ban approach to PSCs
Tech giant IBM has notified its personal service company IT contractors that they must switch to PAYE terms or use umbrella companies from the end of March, as the private sector races to achieve IR35 compliance.

There's nothing much new in tech, but it's what we do with what we have that matters
It feels like the world of tech is full of new things, but that's not entirely true. There's not a lot of invention going on, but that's fine because it's innovation that powers growth and productivity.

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