Friday, May 22, 2020

Kite reveals code completion for Python, JavaScript

Application Development Digest


A roundup of application development content from TechTarget's network|May 22, 2020

Kite intros code completion for JavaScript developers

By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer

Kite's AI-powered code completion technology helps make Python and JavaScript developers more productive with deep learning models that predict the next logical line of code in apps.

IT pros clamor for Kubernetes multi-cloud deployment API

Enterprise IT pros who want a standard approach to Kubernetes multi-cloud deployment say the Cluster API project shows promise, but it needs work to be production-ready.

Fintech firms prove IT compliance via security automation
Security automation tools proved useful for two highly regulated fintech firms, that use them to protect cloud-native infrastructure and demonstrate their security to auditors.
Essential firms forge on with AIOps for incident response

AIOps systems for incident response have helped a bank and a provider of care services in the home streamline operations amid a pandemic emergency and an ongoing IT skills shortage.

VMware Cloud Foundation to run on new Google Cloud service

VMware and Google signed their second deal in less than a year, this time to support VMware Cloud Foundation workloads on Google Cloud.

5 tool categories to build a powerful DevOps stack

Want to speed application delivery and deployment? Consider adding one of these five DevOps tools and technologies to your IT department.

Compare a product vs. project mindset for development

The rise of Agile and DevOps highlight the differences between project and product in software development. Establish these roles and principles to deliver business value.

3 lessons microservices developers can learn from SOA

Microservices developers can learn from past SOA mistakes to build more resilient and high-performance applications today. Take a look at three major lessons for microservices projects.


Software development must align with the business-side

Software development has become a company-wide process, with business teams now offering their input. DevOps must learn to work with them for projects to succeed.


Developers need access to up-to-date software diagrams and documentation. Here are seven tools, from Visio to Mermaid, that provide visual models of code and design patterns.

How AI can help with requirements analysis tools

Don't let defects slow down software development. AI in requirements analysis tools helps identify defects and scan lines of code quickly to help developer projects.

Always move and rename Git files in an isolated commit

Will there be a need to move or rename a Git file while you refactor your code? If so, don't mix code changes with file changes. Move and rename Git files in a separate commit.

5 core components of microservices architecture
Before you build a microservices application, take a closer look at the components of the architecture and their capabilities.
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