Monday, June 25, 2018

Word of the Day: cloud application performance management (CAPM)

Word of the Day
Daily updates on the latest technology terms | July 25, 2018
cloud application performance management

Cloud application performance management (CAPM) is the process of monitoring user experience (UX) for application programs that are running in private and hybrid cloud environments.

An important goal of any CAPM initiative is to provide administrators with the ability to identify a poor user experience quickly so the cloud service can be turned off, either manually or automatically, until the issue is resolved.

Measuring the user experience for public cloud-hosted applications requires an intelligent agent to be placed on the application server to monitor metrics such as application response-time. CAPM tools can be used to combine data from disparate monitoring silos into a correlation engine and dashboard. The dashboard makes data logs easier to read and saves IT staff from memory-dependent and error-prone manual correlation and analysis.

Before the advent of APM tools, application performance troubleshooting was a time consuming and tedious task. As organizations begin to move enterprise applications to the cloud, however, the need for a tool that monitors and manages the performance and availability of applications across a distributed computing environment has become a must-have.

Quote of the Day


"Quality control testing is critical to guaranteeing that cloud applications can meet performance requirements as they span on- and off-premises environments." - Kenneth Milberg

Learning Center


ThousandEyes launches cloud performance monitoring tools
ThousandEyes has unveiled cloud performance monitoring tools. The latest offering provides critical metrics for applications running in multi-cloud environments.

Cloud application performance hinges on a solid testing plan
With the underlying hardware out of their reach, dev teams face a challenge when it comes to ensuring cloud application performance. Learn how quality control testing and related tools can help.


Manage private cloud performance and troubleshoot issues
There are countless issues that can cause private cloud performance problems. These issues range from resource contention to architectural flaws to misconfigurations. The key to coping with all of them is to use management software that is built for private cloud monitoring.

Five critical tests for cloud application performance, security
To ensure optimal cloud application performance and security, development teams must conduct regular tests around load, latency, user experience and more.

Master application scalability in cloud computing alongside devs
Application scalability should be addressed in development, which means operations admins need to step up to the table and work together -- before it's too late.

Writing for Business


Read the FAQ to get the ______ on open source cloud computing.
a. low down
b. lowdown
c. low-down


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