Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Word of the Day: customer journey map

Word of the Day
Daily updates on the latest technology terms | September 25, 2019
customer journey map

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the steps a customer takes when interacting with a company. For example, one journey map might illustrate all the paths a customer could follow if their initial contact was with the company's website. Another journey map might illustrate all the paths a customer could take if the initial contact was through a phone call to customer service. Companies often need to create several customer journey maps to arrive at a 360-degree view of how customers engage with the company.

Customer journey maps help stakeholders in the business understand how customers move through the sales funnel and interact with the company post-purchase. The information revealed from journey map analysis can be a valuable tool for determining how to get new customers, retain them and turn them into repeat buyers. The process of creating customer journey maps is also useful for revealing impediments that prevent different departments within the company from sharing customer information in real-time.

Designing the journey map


To be effective, customer journey maps should be visually appealing, data-driven, comprehensive and understandable. When designing a customer journey map, there's no set standard, but there are best practices.


The journey map should focus on how a customer actually experiences interactions with the company, not how the company perceives those experiences will take place. The map should illustrate a variety of possible paths, accounting for the fact that customer segments may interact with products, brands and services differently. Each map should reflect all potential touchpoints through which a customer could connect with a company and be able to depict every possible sequence of steps a customer could take.


Customer personas and journey maps


An essential tool in customer journey mapping is the creation of behavioral customer personas that represent small groupings of customer expectations, needs, motivations and frustrations. Each persona typically represents a limited number of behaviors that different parts of the organization care about.


Software can help stakeholders manage multiple views of individual personas from a centralized dashboard. When purchasing software, is important for the application to be able to accept input from all stakeholders who use the persona. This way, if a change in underlying data changes the persona, then the customer journey maps that use the persona will update as well.

Quote of the Day

"When approached as a cohesive IoT customer journey strategy, organizations can deliver seemingly magical experiences that predict, surprise and delight customers with real-time relevancy as they traverse channels." - Jaimy Szymanski

Learning Center


AI in the IoT customer journey enriches the experience
Many organizations consider IoT an extension to existing customer programs, failing to incorporate the richness of smart devices into cohesive IoT customer journey strategies. Find out the best practices to integrate IoT touchpoints for additional customer value.

5 tips for creating customer journey maps from buyer personas
It is essential that businesses create customer journey maps using the data from buyer personas. Here are some best practices for your organization to follow.

Loyalty rewards program fuels convenience store's CX
Yesway, a convenience store chain in the Midwest, implemented a loyalty rewards program last year to drive customers from the pump to the store and to get them more engaged with the brand.

Why EA should take the lead on improving customer experience
CIOs are asking their EA teams to take the lead on improving customer experience. Here's why.

Outsourcing CRM: The pros and cons
Considering outsourcing CRM? You need to consider both the pros and the cons. Alan Earls discusses what you should consider when evaluating specific providers.

Quiz Yourself

The amount of money a customer invests in a service can reduce a company's churn rate and increase the chances they'll stick with around for the long ______.
A. haul
B. hall


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