Monday, January 13, 2020

Alaska Airlines adopts AIOps; Oracle shares cloud plans

DevOps Digest
A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget's network | January 13, 2020
Alaska Airlines plans to switch IT onto autopilot with AIOps
by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer

Alaska Airlines' e-commerce division will chart a course for hands-off IT ops and a sharper focus on strategic SRE duties through AIOps tools.

GraphQL vs. REST choice steers microservices development

GraphQL vs. REST: That is the question as teams tackle microservices architecture design, and at Pantheon, the choice came with both business boons and technical debt.


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SVP shares 2020 growth strategy

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure isn't just about IaaS, but all levels of the cloud. That's the message Oracle SVP Steve Daheb gave in this Q&A, along with the IT giant's 2020 plans.

Evaluate if serverless cost benefits are worth the upfront price

Before an IT shop adopts serverless, it must fully grasp how the technology operates, and prepare for the upfront -- and potentially costly -- app refactoring efforts it requires.

6 key ways to improve developer productivity

Unproductive dev teams aren't necessarily staffed by unskilled or unmotivated workers. Give developers a boost with these concrete strategies, not strict mandates or inspirational posters.

Compare 3 distinct types of Kubernetes platforms

There are three types of Kubernetes deployment options, each with its own benefits and challenges. Use this in-depth comparison to choose the best fit for your organization.

Grasp Docker networking basics with these commands and tips
For a containerization novice, networking poses one of the biggest challenges. Use this breakdown of essential Docker networking commands and concepts, including host and bridge setups, to reduce complexity.
How and why to set up an automation CoE for DevOps

As DevOps automation efforts spread across IT and the business, use a center of excellence to establish standards, secure executive sponsorship and organize staff trainings.

Ideal DevSecOps strategy requires the right staff and tools

Sometimes viewed as an obstacle to speedy software rollout, the DevSecOps model helps security teams drive innovation in development. Learn how to build a DevSecOps strategy.

Infrastructure-as-code testing strategies to validate a deployment
IaC, when implemented correctly, can benefit enterprises' CD pipelines. But, when IT teams fail to test the code before deployment, things can go awry. Learn several testing strategies here.
Prepare your IT staff for a transition to the cloud
The cloud requires different types of skills compared to on premises. While there's a learning curve to cloud roles, training current staff is a better bet than competing for talent.
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