Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cylance Introduction

Hi David,

Are you the appropriate point of contact over at David for cyber security?

Cylance is a data science company that implements artificial intelligence and machine learning to prevent cyber-threats in thousands of organizations like yours around the world.  With an over 99% effectiveness rate, no internet connection needed and zero signatures involved, CylancePROTECT can have a small 1-2% CPU footprint in your environment and an even lower cost of ownership with updates happening months apart rather than daily or weekly.

Do you have time for a brief intro next week?  We can go over pricing and how Cylance can fit into your environment.

If you're not the correct point of contact, can you help connect me with the appropriate person?


Scott Morton | Solutions Advisor
T: (949) 381-3699 | www.cylance.com | Request a Demo
400 Spectrum Center Dr, Suite 900 Irvine, CA 92618
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